Monday, February 14, 2011

You are invited to be part of something BIG!

Almost a billion people in the developing world don’t have enough to eat. Here in Canada, we are blessed to be living in a land of bountiful harvests.

That’s why farmers in the Listowel, Ontario area, have created Harvest for Hunger, a unique project to raise money to end hunger through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. And we want to invite you to be part of it!

The Goal
To grow 160 acres of soybean;
•To raise $200,000 for the Foodgrains Bank; and
•to raise awareness about hunger issues around the world.

At the same time, we want to do something else:
•We want to set a world record for harvesting 160 acres of soybeans - we want to gather as many combines as possible to harvest the field in under five minutes!

We Need Your Help
To do this, we need your help. The land for the soybeans has been donated, and five local farmers—Richard Van Donkersgoed, Peter Rastorfer, Mike Koetsier, Randy Drenth and John Tollenaar—are donating their time to make this happen. But we also need volunteers, combines, and inputs such as seed, fertilizer, crop protection, fuel, crop scouting, planting and harvesting equipment. What will you bring to the table?

To follow this project

For more information, to volunteer or donate contact Randy (519)327-9504 
or contact the Mayberrys 519-485-3642

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